Archive | 8:16 pm

A Special Afternoon With Our Friend Ash

16 Aug


This is a picture of two kids who are having a fine time riding the bus. They have no idea that they’re going to the movie theater.

Mike and I had been planning on taking Nathan to a movie today as a fun treat before school was back in session and things got busy. I was asked to watch our friend Ashlinn and I figured we could just take her along.

Ash is a very special friend of ours because I was her babysitter for quite a large portion of her young life. At least until I went back to school and she got a new babysitter.

Both kids enjoyed the movie and their snacks. Especially their snacks. Mike and I also enjoyed the movie–plenty of grown-up jokes for us.

No Biting!

16 Aug

Nathan and Zef had a bit of a disagreement over the Legos this morning and Nathan bit his little brother. Hard enough to bruise him. Nathan doesn’t get to play with his Legos until Saturday.

Mind you, this all happened before I had my coffee. It also means that Nathan will be without his go-to entertainment and I’ll probably have to help him find something else to do. Sometimes being a parent is just so fun.

While I was picking up the Legos to put them up in the closet Nathan looked at me and said, “There aren’t any Legos under the pillow.”

Nathan was grounded for lying to me.

This happened many other times throughout the day. “Don’t look in that box, mommy” or “I don’t have any Legos in my hands.” He’s a terrible liar, so far and I know that the punishment is working.