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Summer Reading

6 Aug


At the beginning of summer Nathan picked up a summer reading pack from the public library, but I kind of forgot to keep track of things. We have twelve days left before the final party, so I’m going to make sure we write down all the books we read between now and then .

We also have to make three trips to the library before the 17th. None of this should be particularly hard to accomplish since Nathan is out of daycare until school starts up again.

We read seven books just today and we’re making a trip to the library again tomorrow because I have books that are due. We started slow, but we’ll finish strong.

I think it’s pretty cool that Nathan is enjoying making a list of the books he reads. We might have to continue that after the program is over. I remember when I was in 5th grade we had construction paper ice cream cones and we got a scoop every time we read a certain number of pages. I loved it and I bet Nathan would too.

Pretty soon it isn’t going to be books we read to him–it’s going to be books he reads to us!